

'Transition is our mission' is a project aimed at raising awareness among pre-school and school professionals about the importance of facilitating children's transition from kindergarten to school. Additionally, the project helps raising the educator's skills and expertise in this area.

The first phase of the project includes analysing the existing practice when it comes to facilitating children’s transition from kindergarten to elementary school.

The second phase is focused on cooperation with partner kindergartens and schools regarding the development of the pilot module intended for the training of qualified kindergarten and school professionals on the topic of transition. In order to build a shared understanding of what this transition entails, the professional learning communities of educators and other professionals who work in kindergartens and elementary schools is established, while the preparation of the pilot module will be based on the exchange of experiences and good practices harvested from the mutual study visits of project partners.

The pilot module will further serve as a basis for conducting training on facilitating the kindergarten-to-school transition for kindergarten and elementary school professionals. At the end of the project a handbook for kindergarten and primary school professionals on the topic of facilitating children's transition from kindergarten to school will be published.

Duration: September 2019 - June 2022

More information can be found on the project's web page.



By reviewing the brochure, you can gain insight into the structure of the education system in Latvia, Slovenia and Croatia, transitional practices represented in each country, and general insights into the transition process.